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[英文] 旅游英语阅读:三亚旅游景点概况 [複製鏈接]

旅游英语阅读:三亚旅游景点概况. D; t/ ~* X. A; n. f# b
/ w2 S6 }) ^  Q0 t7 t+ \4 D" k
  Natural Features4 ~3 c( n/ m4 p3 l- `5 u* B# J- h
  自然概况0 ?- @( |+ B. @/ r! D
  The view of bright sunshine,blue water and widebeaches at Sanya,the southernmost tip of HainanProvince,attracts many regular visitors from bothhome and abroad year upon year. It is said thatSanya has the most well-preserved and beautifulbeach es in all of China. All of the destinations of Sanya are linked to water ,hence it attains itsreputation as being the "oriental Hawaii".Now Sanya is well known and admired as a famouscoastal tourist city,with a favorable climate that includes good sunshine seawater.beaches,green vegetation and pure air.
2 s0 M5 I8 C( [, @) ]2 ]" A" j  三亚地处海南省的最南端。这里明媚的阳光、蔚蓝的海水和宽阔的海滩,年复一年地吸引着许多来自国内外的游客。据说三亚有中国保存最好和最美丽的海滩。三亚所有旅游景点都与水相关,由此,三亚获得了“东方夏威夷”的美誉。现在,三亚作为著名的沿海旅游城市已经享有盛名且令人神往,其优越的气候条件包括美妙的阳光、海水、海滩、绿色植被以女清爽洁净的空气。% Q+ \" h1 w* r9 r3 ^, n
  Sanya has never run short of beautiful bcys for visitors to enjoy. The Asian Dragon Bay(YalongWan),Dadonghai and Sanya Bay are the top three holiday resorts of Sanya. According to theirquite different natural beauties and appearante,the Asian Dragon Bay is praised to be a virginand the Dadonghai represents an elegant lady and Sanya Bay is regarded to be an unadornedfisherman's daughter.You can definitely go to any of them to enjoy your holiday.
. x& \9 g5 q0 o: y' y- k  l6 O8 t  游客随时可以享用三亚的关丽海湾。亚龙湾、大东海和一亚湾是一:亚名列前茅的三个度假胜地、根据它们各自迥然不同的自然美景和风貌,亚龙湾被赞誉为纯生态处女湾,大东海代表位典雅的夫人,三亚湾则视作一位质朴渔夫的女儿。游客可以选择其中之一去享受假期的快乐
5 C# C0 y4 E  @4 ?* {7 J
  Besides the above three bays,there is also Wuzhizhou Island,which is in Haitang Bay,northof Sanya City .attracting lots of the medium and high-end tourists every year.A gorgeousnatural landscape combined with various tourist facilities and well-developed entertainingevents on the island support visitors and provide a paradise destination,just perfect forspending holidays at.$ I; O, |* ]! Z0 b) j
: ]4 N- m  x$ o* s# A( j  Tianya Haijiao3 f  |& q  q" |% @& }# }/ i" Q
4 l3 e9 ?% _# U4 ]4 Q+ o  Tianya Haijiao(literally'edge of the sky,rim of thesea),which is 23 kilometers(about 15 miles)awayfrom the downtown center,just as its name meansthat it will take you to the end of heaven and earth.Ancient history recalls a beautiful love story thatrelates to this particular beauty spot that is enhanced by a blue sky and pure,clear seawaterof Tianya Haijiao. There are three famous huge rocks here that attract lots of visitors,andmany who take photos in front of them,as the Chinese characters of Tianya,Haijiao andNantian Yizhu are respectively engraved on them.8 S4 _' @9 v1 _. y( V  {6 E
  天涯海角(字面意思是“天之崖、海之边”)距市中心23公里(约15英里)。天涯海角,顾名思义,就是要把您带到天堂和地球的未端。古代历史记载了与天涯海角这特殊名胜蔚旅的天空和清澈的海水相关联的爱情故事。这里有三块著名的巨大岩石,吸引着众多的游客,许多人在岩石前留影纪念,因为上面分别刻着“天涯”、“海角”和‘’南大一柱”几个汉字。' y: r8 q% n8 `
  Tianya Haijiao(literally edge of the sky,rim of the sea)is a somber-looking beach with clearwater, silver sands and a hundred-odd grotesque rocks in various shapes. Standing in thecenter is a huge rock,about 10 meters in height, inscribed with Chinese characters of"Tianya",the handwriting of Cheng Zhe,an officer of Yazhou,in 1733,or the 11th year ofQing Emperor Yongzheng's reign,and the characters of "Haijiao",added by literacy of theends of the Qing Dynasty. Other attractions such as Nantian Yizhu and Haipan Nantian,are alsowell known.2 d, Q. v' Z+ v. W+ s  E  r6 {
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